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  3. Footer App
magnolia Apps

Footer App

Within the footer of your website the user can find relevant links to legal information but also to the most relevant content pages.

Each website has exactly one footer. So, within the footer app there is one footer for each business domain.

The footer contains three areas of links:

  1. Columns for page links
  2. Social links
  3. Legal pages
Example: business website footer

The editor has three columns available to structure certain page links. each column has a headline and could contain internal links to content pages, that might be on a deeper navigation level but should be accessible for the user and visible for seach engine easily. The amound of links is not limited here, but there should be a strategic focus on selected pages.

If the business is headling social media channels, in this "follow us" area these social channels could be implemented as links. Therefor the editor can select the social channel by dropdown and add the channel URL.

Legal pages

Within the legal area the editor can add internal and external links to legal content pages.

The following pages are mandatory:

  • Imprint
  • Privacy Policy
  • Cookie Information
  • Disclaimer

On every business website there is also a fix link to the Heraeus Group website to point out the belongig to the entire Heraeus family.