This app is necessary to embed third party system applications, like for example CRM forms. It is quite technical and only used by magnolia key users.
The Marketing Tags app is quite technical and only used by magnolia key users or administrators. It is necessary to embed any kind of third party system application to connect it with magnolia CMS. Currently there are interfaces to CRM to embed customer forms or to the Consent Management System that helps to steer the data privacy of the website user.
To embedd any form from CRM you first need to include a script into magnolia to get the connection between both systems. Therefore you need to use a specific app, the Marketing Tag App. Only key users have access to this app as this is quite a specific funcitionality.
Each business has an own folder for CRM forms within the Marketing Tag App. Inside you can create a new application by clicking on "Add tag" on the right hand side menue.
First a name needs to be defined, that is just relevant for the editor to identify the kind of application that should be connected.
We recommend a name, that might fit to the name in the source system, like "contact-form-europe" or "whitepaper-xyz".
After creating a new tag, the respective script needs to be implemented.